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Monday, August 26, 2013

Blooming where you are planted

My mom has always said to me that small opportunites lead to bigger ones. Where ever you are in life, you are there for a reason. When I was a little girl I dreamed of becoming a Victoria's Secret Model. I obviously realize now that this was unrealistic. So... I set my sights on similar, yet completely achieveable modeling around Ohio, and competing for Miss Ohio Teen USA. I feel that whatever goal you have in your head is there because God put it there based on what you are capable of doing with the talents, or qualities he gave you. Where you live, and who you have around you are all part of the plan... use the people and places to help you learn something each day. Go with your gut feelings on what you want to do, and bloom where you are planted...even if it is in Delaware, Ohio. Today was the first job opportunity I have been faced with since signing with a modeling agency in Ohio. It was something new, exciting, and I had no idea what I was expected to do, except show up on time, wear closed toe shoes, and come with a photo I.D. I walked into the casting site ( a large warehouse that makes swimwear) to see a model standing at about 5'11 going for the same job. I thought, "Great". I wasn't fully discouraged until I walked into the shooting room to see 5 other models aboout the same height. I then thought, "Wow, why would they pick me out of all these girls who look so professional". My name was called after about 10 minutes in the waiting room. I followed the photographers out to the dressing room and they told me to put on my first look. It was a pink athletic bikini that definitley did not give my already small chest any justice! I came out to be shot and as soon as I stepped in front of the backdrop something changed in my head. I knew I had a lot of experience in front of the camera, and around people. I joked and made the photographers laugh as we shot. Each outfit I came out in I felt more and more comfortable. The final look was a fitness outfit. I definitely felt great in it because I spend about 80 percent of my time in similar clothes. When I was finished I thanked the photographers for their time and left a little worried and anxious, not knowing if I was going to get the job or not. We had driven 2 hours down there , so I didn't want to waste my dad's gas money or time, and fail my agency. I started to pray because I know to never underestimate God's hands in all your plans. I prayed how thankful I was for the new opportunity, and that I was trusting in whatever happens, does so according to the timing of God's plan for my life. Today is just one example of how I am trying to live with a different mindset. A mindset of stronger faith and surrender.

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